COMMENTARY Cacophony Of Sweetness Era

Jun 8, 2023 - 08:43
Jun 8, 2023 - 16:39
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COMMENTARY Cacophony Of Sweetness Era

The air is ecstatic with high expectations blossomed in most cases with undefined enthusiasm and misplaced interpretation of what to expect in the upcoming era of unending sweetness. No one would be surprised to see the ancestral home of Sen. Prince Bassey Otu, the branded crown prince of Cross River State politics being turned into a Mecca of some sort, all in search of anointing for juicy appointments in the new administration.

Trust our politicians especially the half-baked, for there is bound to be cases of backbiting, back stabbing and in some cases outright character assassination, all in a bid to out-do one another in the scramble for who gets what and how.

As the steam for the search of the treasure box of sweetness gathers momentum, some are bound to reap gold while others may be contented with just being identified with the pleasure of the moment. Most worrisome are the desperate ones who are likely to resort to extra terrestrial means just to get the helmsman’s listening ears, all in attempt to fulfil their morbid dreams.

But here we are, the commercial motorcyclists are hoping to return to the streets and ply their trades unhindered, irrespective of whether there is an existing legislation banning their operations. The band wagon of Keke Napep operators are equally wishing to operate from dawn to dusk and from dusk to dawn, all in the euphoria that they campaigned tirelessly for the victory of the new Governor.

Not left out are the perpetual street marauding miscreants whose choice or means of livelihood is to parade the streets of the State capital with the new found sound track of ‘Show me Love’ in the guise of obtaining unmerited favour.

With the crowded scenario of sweetness fun seekers, can someone proffer a lasting solution to the incoming Governor on how to separate Paul from Barnabas? Since the arrow-head himself has proclaimed that he is Governor for all. Expectations are high on the measures to curb the menace of commercial motorcyclists and Keke Napap operators, whose lawless attitudes are posing serious threats to effective public transportation management system.

Irrespective of whether one deliberately cast a void vote, but he needs our prayers because at the end of the day, the proverbial vineyard being large and beckoning on few labourers, may worst still be the case of the vineyard, being limited while the labourers are legion.

His Excellency, Sen. Prince Bassey Otu's  pedigree in politics is no secret. He started building a strong bond of friendship with his constituents right from his days at the House of Representatives and on getting to the Upper Chambers of the National Assembly as a Senator, his legendary empowerment programme dwarfed all previous attempts by others in that direction.

He provided land with cash to perfect the paper works of such landed property. For those who preferred a means of mobility for ease of movement, more than 300 exotic brands were handy and for the sick, only a simple phone call did the recovery magic.

When he finally stepped forth for the people’s mandate to be Governor of our dear State, it was more of a fait accompli as his resounding victory at the polls was a testimony of a good name being greater than silver and gold

In all, we give the Almighty God all the glory that at the end of it all, the Man of the People, Sen. Prince Bassey Otu is on the throne to prove to the doubting Thomases the real meaning of a Servant Leader.