Nigeria@ 64: Bumpy Road To Eldorado

Oct 1, 2024 - 09:17
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Nigeria@ 64: Bumpy Road To Eldorado

By Abasi Ita

Wherever they are,the forebears of Nigeria's political independence would certainly be rolling in shock and utter dismay on account of the downward slide the country they fought hard to liberate from the shackles of the colonialist is on currently.

Exactly 64 years today, champions such as the Great Zik of Africa, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, Herbert Macaulay, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Mrs Margaret Ekpo, Chief Okoi Arikpo Alhaji Tafawa Balewa, S. G Ikoku, among others, caused the Union Jack, a symbol of British sovereignty to be lowered for the Green White Green.

A review of the events culminating in the historic celebration galore at the famous Race Course, Obalende in Lagos, now Tafewa Balewa Square clearly points to patriotic spirit as the underlying factor which ignited their quest to agitate for self determination from the British colonialists.

Today, the paradox in Nigeria contradicts the prevailing scenarios in two other countries within the United Nations horizon replicating their independence anniversary as Nigeria, though with icing on the cakes.

First, China, now a major threat to the United States in economic and military might, is presently basking in the euphoria of her super-power status virtually in all ramifications, 64 years after independence, like Nigeria. Cyprus also,with flamboyant economy which has upscaled the living standards of the citizenry attributable to viable economic reforms and visionary leadership buoyed up by her twentieth year membership of the prestigious European Union, established several decades after Gowon orchestrated the establishment of the Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS, with similar novel template of accelerating economic growth and development within the sub region.

The alluring pictures in China and Cyprus have confered a toga of pride and glee on their citizens, bolstering their confidence, while attracting global respect and upper edge in comparative advantage. On the other hand, the sombre atmosphere in Nigeria evokes nostalgia, disillusion and utter dismay, arising from the failure of successive leadership to evolve viable policy framework tailored towards optimally harnessing our vast human and natural resources to drive economic prosperity.

A vicious circle dominated by weak institutions, powerful individuals with penchant for self aggrandizement at the expense of the masses, crass indepitude, myopic vision, lopsided policies and programmes, menacing corruption demonstrated by public officers, lack of continuity in government has become a major clog in the wheels of our progress as a nation.

Other factors including poor budget implementation, ethno-religious sentiments etc,underscored by the lethargy in enforcing accountability in governance has tended to upscale the pilfering of our common patrimony since independence, thereby plunging the country into the present economic quarmire It's baffling and inexplicable that Nigeria, one of the largest oil producing nations in the world, cannot refine its petroleum products for local consumption, much less exporting to neighbouring states with begging demand within the sub sahara.

This anomaly has resulted in the lingering hemorrhage of the national treasury, with concomitant spiral toil on pressing developmental initiatives.

Despite the gloomy scene, a pheltora of milestones have been achieved across various sphere, signposting an empirical truth that all hopes are not lost.

As a dogged fighter for enduring democracy in Nigeria with rich experiences gathered from the trenches, where he confronted the military junta under the auspices of NADECO, President Tinubu has his work cut out,if he intends to reposition the country on the path of steady progress, against all odds.

The epileptic power supply, unfriendly investment climate , worsened by multiple taxation, growing insecurity and bureaucratic bottleneck and fragile institutions pepertually frustrating efforts for industrial revolution to usher in the stable socio economic growth can't remain insurmountable when there's an overwhelming will.

The current brain drain menace revaging the educational and health sectors, poor road networks must be addressed to reposition the country on the path of progress.

The cacophony of agitations calling for devolution of power from the central to the federating components through constitutional amendments cannot be ignored in pepertuity.

Such political reforms, won't only stop states from frequenting Abuja with cap in hand, but would also promote the optimum exploration of our natural resources within the states, judicious management of IGR, while compelling governors to think outside the box toward evolving a template to use their to drive economic growth

The vast area of arable land lying fallow in most states in the face of food crisis when countries are generating million of dollars from exporting food to countries, including Nigeria smacks of poor planning or dearth of ideas in government circle.

Agricultural revolution predicated on mechanised farming, irrigation system, provisions of inputs, grants and availability of agric extension field workers has the potentials of checkmating youth unemployment while contributing immensely to GDP Judicial reforms targeted at promoting transparency, accountability, strict adherence to established norms, due process to scale back the menacing level of impunity in government will be a welcome development to curtail the excesses of the system holding Nigeria to ransom.

 If the present administration is sincerely desirous of bequeathing a positive lingering impact, President Tinubu must muster his trade mark rugged courage, determination and stoic political will to dismantle identified stumbling blocks on the path to ushering in true federalism,in an egalitarian society which fairness, equity, harmony and mutual respect holds sway.

The time to team up to break the shackles holding Nigeria to ransom is now.