LG Poll: Boki Community Cries Out Over Marginalisation in Zoning of APC Chairmanship Candidate

Oct 21, 2024 - 07:25
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LG Poll: Boki Community Cries Out Over Marginalisation in Zoning of APC Chairmanship Candidate

By Ndifereke BASSEY

Stakeholders of Abo political ward in Boke local government area have cried out over alleged marginalisation in the choice of All Progressives Congress (APC) chairmanship candidate of the council.

The Abo stakeholders regretted even after Boki Supreme Council (Ochibi Boki) had zoned the chairmanship position to Abo, and after the Abo sons and daughters from Anyimikang to Bashu and Danare have indicated their interests for chairmanship position, APC still chose their candidate from Buenchebe ward.

The people noted that the Governor's choice of candidatenth council did not only violate a existing zoning arrangement on ground, but also that the candidate is not now to be people.

Speaking with some journalists in Calabar at the weekend, some of the the spokesperson of the community including Chief Emmanuel Enu and Bisong Bisng, regretted that the action of the party, saying Governor had allegedly betrayed their trust as they have confided in him on the zoning arrangement through several means.

According to them duo, the chairmanship position is a vital political position that takes care of our local communities than any other, and zoning Abu people out is as good as deleting Abo Ward from the political map of Boki nation.

"We had expected that all the political parties, especially the ruling APC, will pick their candidates from Abo ward, "We appeal that for the sake of fairness and equity the governor should pick a candidate from the area where the chairmanship candidate have been zoned to."

However, in their earlier letter the Governor By Ocihbe Esuk Abo community to Governor Bassey Edet Otu, dated October 12, 2024, the Leaders had advanced reasons and some facts on why the chairmanship position should be zoned to Abo ward.

The letter signed by Dr. Nicholas Obun Dane (PhD), Chairman, OCHIBE Esuk Abo, Chief Magistrate Patrick T. Etta,Legal Advisor, aad Dr. Kingsley B. Abang, read in part: "Boki local government area is divided into two constituencies whereas, Boki constituency 1 and Boki constituency 2 comprises of six (6) traditional Clans namely: Abo Clan , Boje Clan, Eastern Boki Clan, Irruan Clan, Osokom 1 Clan and Osokom 2 Clan but since Boki constituency 2 provided the current emeritus chairman in the person of Pastor John ewah, Boki constituency 1 will be providing the next local government chairman for equal rotation of power and Boki constituency 1 is made up of three (3) traditional Clans, namely Eastern Boki Clan, Abo Clan and Boje Clan.

"The first clan which is Eastern Boki Clan has produced three chairmen of Boki council and the three chairmen occupied the chairman seat for eight (8) years and they're Chief B.A Okurishi, from 1991 to 1993, Hon. Mrs. Beccy Bankong, from 2007 to 2010 and Hon. Abubakar Ewa from, from 2013 to 2016.

"The second clan which is Abo clan has produced just one Barr. A.B.Tase 1986 to 1987 as chairman of Boki council who occupied the chairman seat for only eight months, "The third Clan is Boje Clan which has produced two (2) chairmen of Boki council and has occupied the chairman seat for four (4) years and five (5) months including Hon. Chief Amb Soni Obase from 1999 to 2002 and Sir Valentine Ewor 2002 to 2004

"Thirdly, it's obvious that the next chairman of Boki local government area will emerge from Boki constituency 1 being that the last chairman in person of Pastor John Ewa, who is from Boki constituency 2, and for fair rotation of power, the next chairman of Boki council will be from Boki constituency 1.

"Without being biased, everyone can attest to the fact that Abo clan which happened to be one of the oldest clans in Boki local government area that has occupied the chairman seat for just eight (8) months should produce the next chairman in Boki.

"Equity, justice and fair play following the power rotation in Boki, old Abo clan stands should be given the opportunity to produce the next local government chairman of Boki Council as looking at the verifiable evidence presented above that only old Abo Clan that has produced only one chairman of Boki council and who occupied the seat for only eight (8) months in the whole six old clans in Boki following the Boki traditional and socio-political divides through the umbrella body OCHIBE Boki.

"However, we appeal among other reasons that the next Boki local government chairman needs to emerge from Abo Clan.

"Therefore, for equity to reign and fairness Abo Clan should be given a chance to produce the next chairman for Boki LGA council in the forth coming local government elections into Boki local government council area, Boki council.

Hence the Abo people are convinced and concerned to support and vote for APC in all next general elections.

"Moreso, zoning can never be avoided when choosing who emerges the next chairman of Boki local government area because it's this same zoning that allowed you, Your Excellency the SWEET PRINCE of our time to get the ticket in the last election primaries that enabled you to become the amiable Governor of Cross River State."