Feb 2, 2025 - 17:42
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Southeast Council of Traditional Rulers has abolished the Eze Ndigbo title for all Igbo leaders outside Igbo land.

 A release signed by the Chairman of Southeast Council of Traditional Rulers, His Royal Majesty, Eze (Dr.) E.C Okeke, CFR (Eze Imo), His Royal Majesty, Igwe Nneameka Achebe (Leader), along side chairmen of Traditional councils in Enugu, Anambra, Abia and Ebonyi, the traditional rulers and addressed to the Chairman Igbo-Leaders in Diaspora (Onye-isi Ndindu Ndigbo), warned that anybody or group of persons who flouts that order will be sanctioned even up to his community.

In a resolution arrived at after their meeting, the South East traditional rulers acknowledged the invaluable roles the Chairman Igbo-Leaders in Diaspora and the group have been playing in unifying Ndigbo in Diaspora as well as their selfless services to humanity.

The statement reads in part: "We are particularly happy with your commitment to ensure peaceful co-existence of Ndigbo with their Host Communities in their Countries of Residence.

"Your interest and commitment to the promotion of Igbo culture and tradition are highly commendable and appreciated as they speak volume of your love for Ndigbo, our Cultural heritage and our Tradition.

"It is important to know that the celebration of the cultural festivals of Ndigbo where you reside should be with the consent and approval of the Leadership of the South East Council of Traditional Rulers or of a particular State Council of Traditional Rulers as the case may be. 

"Invitation to attend such festivals may be extended to any or some Igbo recognized Traditional Rulers in order to add colour and glamour to the occasion.

"It has become very expedient for the South East Council of Traditional Rulers to use this medium to make the necessary clarifications to you and other Igbo Leaders in Diaspora on the use of the Title “Eze” in Igbo-land as follows:

“Eze” is a revered Traditional Title Reserved by Culture, Tradition and Legislation for Traditional Rulers Recognized by Government in the South East States.

“Eze” is also a title used by a Traditional Ruler enthroned and coronated by his Community/Kingdom in accordance with their laid down customs, culture and Traditions inherited from their Fore-Bearers, Progenitors and Ancestors."

Clarifying further, the South East traditional Rulers Council, said: "You may wish to know that issues associated with the selection and enthronement of a Traditional Ruler are deep rooted in certain Rituals, Divinations, and Sacred ceremonies that are clearly defined and established by the Cultures of various ethnic Nationalities Ndigbo inclusive.

“Eze” as the king is referred to in Igbo-Land should have a Community, Kingdom or clan to administer. This is to say (suffice it to say) that there cannot be an “Eze” without a Community, Kingdom or clan to rule.

"An “Eze” must have a Symbol of Authority – the Ofo which is not merely ceremonial but a spiritual tool given to him by his people to enable him perform his statutory Cultural and Traditional Roles in his Community as the Traditional Ruler.

"The Title “Eze” cannot be given to or conferred on persons residing outside Igbo Communities irrespective of their personality or positions (elective or otherwise) since it is not a Political Title and neither is it a Title of Convenience but one rooted in the Culture and Traditions of a people.

"This clarification has become very necessary at this auspicious time to enable you and your colleagues know the difference between genuine Igbo Traditional Rulers from their subjects who are Igbo Leaders in Diaspora"