Need For Local Government Development Centres In Cross River State By Simon Igbang

"Change is the only thing that is permanent in life." Heraclitus.

Dec 28, 2023 - 11:15
Dec 28, 2023 - 12:31
 0  82
Need For Local Government Development Centres In Cross River State   By Simon Igbang

By Simon Igbang

In 1971,based on the recommendation of Late Alhaji Ali Akilu's commission, the then government of South Eastern State of late Brigadier U. J. Esuene, created six(6) Touring Areas namely: Wanokom, Boje, Ugep, Odukpani, Ukanafun and Ikono. That was in recognition of the vast area, huge population and the staggering distances from their administrative headquarters.

Fast forward to the year 1980, when the civilian  administration of late Chief (Dr) Clement Isong set up the Maurice Okoji commission to find out the desirability of creating more Local government areas in the old Cross River State. The outcome of the exercise was the upgrade of the touring areas to and creation of several Local government areas across the length and breathe of the old Cross River State.

Unfortunately however, the Military junta of General Buhari that overthrew the civilian government of the second republic also abrogated all the new Local government areas created by the civilian government of the day. The need for the one to shine some light on the political history of the local government in Cross River State is two folds. 1) To point to the need for some political engineering to be done at that level of government in this state to address the challenge of the changing dynamics of that stare us at our faces, and see what can be done to address them to enable the best outcomes that will address the developmental challenges with modern day solutions which will deliver more benefits from that level of government.2) To prove that the agitation for greater citizens involvement and participation at the local government level is sine qua non for over all efective national economic development, since more citizens will benefit from government policies, projects and programmes. The present structure of local government in the state cannot make for effective and efficient governance to the satisfaction of citizens of these local governments. There is present and urgent need to restructure and unbundle them for optimal and effective service delivery.

 Cross River State should without further delay create more local council development areas to address the urgent need to take development to remote and inaccessible grass roots. It is possible to do this within the legal framework provided by the 1999 constitution (as amended).

This route has since been taken by some states in the federation. Some of them are: Lagos State, with 20LGAs, created about 60LGA/LCDAs during the tenure of President Bola Tinubu as governor of the state. Ebonyi State with 13LGAs now have about 56LGA/LCDAs, these were recently created by Senator Dave Umahi, the immediate past governor of the state. Nasarrawa state with 14 LGAs now have about 50 LGAs Z/LCDAs. Just recently, Ekiti State House of assembly created about 48LGAs/LCDAs from the 16 LGAs in that state.  Section 7, subsection (1) of the 1999 constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria as amended empower the House of assembly of the state to ensure the existence of democratically elected local government councils throughout the nation . This is to be ensured "under a law which provides for the establishment, structure, composition, finance and functions of such councils".

From the foregoing, it is clear that the House of Assembly have enormous power with regard to the existence of local government councils in a state donated to them by the Constitution. In the light of the realization of the important role  the house of assembly of Cross River State can play to restructure the local government system in line with the constitutionally approved process, it is here -in proposed that the Cross River State executive council should without delay forward a bill to the state house of assembly for the creation of Local council development areas across the three Senatorial Districts of the state. It is anticipated that our governor, His Excellency, Senator Prince Otu will support this idea as it seats well with his "people first" mantra. The proposal has the capacity to unlock the developmental potentials of our poverty-stricken and development-deprived rural dwellers and turn their fortunes around.

The following thirteen local government council areas with their headquarters are suggested for creation across the three Senatorial Districts of the State: Northern Senatorial Districts. Five (5) LCDAs are suggested for creation from three (3) LGAs of Yala, Ogoja and Obudu as shown below.YALA: (i) UKELLE LCDA- WANOKOM—Headquarters; ( ii) YACHE/GABU LCDA-ALIFOKPA—Headquarters. (B).OGOJA: (iii) MBUBE LCDA--EKUMTAK- Headquarters.  (iv) NKUM LCDA--BANSARA- Headquarters. (C). OBUDU:  (vi) UTUKALU LCDA- UTUGWANG- Headquarters.

Note: In the Northern Senatorial district, Ukelle north and south should be carved out  of YALA as LCDA to give them a distinct political and linguistic identify, and also because they are contiguous ethnic group , with the administrative headquarters at Wanokom. Same argument is made for Yache and Gabu axis with proposed headquarters at Alifokpa. OGOJA LGA will have Mbube LCDA created for the Mbube speaking people with proposed headquarters at Ekumtak. Also,Nkum LCDA is proposed for the Nkum people with proposed headquarters at Bansara. In OBUDU LGA, the Utugwang area, the Ukpe and Alege axis should be carved out as UTUKALU LCDA, with headquarters at Utugwang.

The Central Senatorial district will have four (4) LCDAs proposed for creation from the four (4) LGAs of Ikom, Boki, Obubra and Yakurr as shown below. (A), BOKI: (I) BOKI WEST LCDA-OKUNDI-Headquarters. (B) IKOM:  ( ii) AFI LCDA--EDOR--Headquarters. (C) OBUBRA: (iii)OHANA/OCHON LCDA-OHANA Headquarters. (D) YAKURR: (iv) NKO/NKPANI LCDA-NKO- Headquarters. Note: In the central Senatorial district, from present BOKI LGA is proposed Boki West LCDA to cater for the administration of the whole Western Boki area with headquarters in Okundi. While IKOM LGA will have AFI LCDA created cater for areas like Nde, Edor, Alok, Nkarasi and all the other adjoining and contagious areas with headquarters at Edor. For OBUBRA LGA,it is possible to have such areas like Edondon, Ohana,Ochon and all adjoining villages carved into one administrative area to be known as Ohana/Ochon LCDA, with headquarters at Ohana. YAKURR LGA will have the Nko, Mkpani and all contiguous areas excised from exiting Yakurr LGA with the name Nko/ Mkpani LCDA with headquarters at Nko.

(3)The southern Senatorial district will also produce four{4}LCDAs ;one each from the four LGAs of Biase, Akamkpa, Odukpani and Bakassi as shown below. (A). BIASE: (I). EREI LCDA-- ADIM -- Headquarters. (B). AKAMKPA: (ii).OBAN LCDA-- OBAN-- Headquarters. (C). ODUKPANI: (iii). OKOYONG LCDA--CREEKTOWN—Headquarters. (D). BAKASSI:

(iv). ABANA LCDA-- ABANA-- Headquarters.

It should also be noted that the same indices used to  merge and or group areas that are contiguous in language and culture in the north and central districts was use in southern zone to delineate the LCDAs. So we have from BIASE LGA, Erei LCDA, with headquarters at Adim, to take care of areas like Agwagwune, Ikot Ana  and the rest of the far flung ,hard to reach locations . For AKAMKPA LGA, Oban LCDA is proposed for creation. In ODUKPANI LGA, the Okoyong LCDA is proposed, and for BAKASSI LGA, Abana LCDA is suggested for creation. The idea of Abana LCDA is a master stroke which has the capacity to address the perennial and lingering problem of criminal neglect of Cross Riverians from Bakassi, arising from the feeding of Bakassi peninsula to Cameroun republic in compliance with the green tree agreement.

 The motivation for this proposal has been borne out of the concern to contribute ideas, suggestions to assist in making and shaping public opinion that could possibly enhance and enrich public discourse, which may lead to a better, robust, and significant delivery of credible dividend of democracy to a greater majority of citizens of our state. It is possible to get this state working optimally through the change that a restructured local government system will elicit, as it is always said, the only permanent thing in life is change. We cannot continue to do the same thing and expect a different result. If we want a better and beneficial outcomes from the local government system in  our state, then  there is need to unbundle the local government system and make it more accessible and open it up to more citizens participation.

It is possible that this proposal will attract a robust critical attention. If that happens, it will be highly appreciated as the main reason for the placing the suggestion in the public domain is for this to generate a huge debate  that can help the political leaders to gauge the tempo public opinion and guide them in policy formulation. All Cross River citizens are invited to join in the debate and let it get to the ears and hearts of the political leaders to activate the necessary mechanisms to actualize a restructured local government system that delivers service to the satisfaction of all citizens.

Simon Igbang


North Ukelle.